Monday, January 8, 2018

Day 48: Plenty paperwork.

Always a lot of things to keep straight with these things. When I "introduced" Miss Plenty Hills in Jon Pay, PI: The Comedy is Over I decided to add a flower pattern to her dress. Now... (convoluted part coming up...) Prizefighters & Knickerbockers (the story I am currently working on and showing you panels from) has been in the works for quite a few years. It consists of 46 pages of which 28 pages were actually penciled traditionally. When the opportunity to do TCiO with Turncoat Press here in Cork, Ireland, with my partner-in-crime (known to some as the Script Doctor. To me, he is known as friend and writing-mentor) Rob X Román, I was working digitally and working quite a bit faster. As a result, TCiO skipped the chronological queue. Also, as stated, I changed Plenty's dress. So the pattern does not exist on any of the pencils and I keep having to remember to put it back in. Had the same thing happen with Rod Hatchet's pinstriped tuxedo.... why do I keep doing this to myself...?!?

If you want to learn more about Jon Pay or Gus MacDugal, there are three comics available on ComiXology
(Jon Pay, PI and All supporting characters ™ & ©, C. A. Aabø, 2018.)

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